Saturday, May 31, 2014

Our Coming New Age

James Henry Breasted, circa, 8/1865-12/1935, is the genius who came up with the concept of the Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent is known as the cradle of civilization.
This was one of only three places on planet Earth known to have gleaned the secret of agriculture, and from there the secret of animal husbandry. All this transpired about ten thousand or so years ago by a Caucasoid people of solid Caucasoid IQ, in an area made ready for such an awakening by the global warming of about 12,000 to 13,000 years ago, causing the end of the mini ice age and the release of fresh water.

The full panorama of the Fertile Crescent would include the Nile River civilization of Ancient Egypt, the Levant, and modern day Iraq to the Zagros mountain range. An area bent like a boomerang or crescent, this area was ripe to produce the magnificent twin achievements of agro-pastoral civilizations, and the consequential growth in human numbers and the birth of modern civilization.

With civilization necessarily comes culture. Because culture is the belief system of the people of a particular civilization, and further, because belief and faith are metaphysical, religion manifests.

The Judo-Christian religion of today has deep roots. It is embedded into this very particular history. A history that not only deals with a rising of duel lifestyles, the city agriculturalist and the nomadic animal herdsmen, but also gave those of Judaism and later on Christianity the allegorical story of Cain and Abel, whereby Cain, the bad guy, is the city agriculturalists and Abel, the good guy, is the nomadic herdsmen, the Jews.

But much more, the Astro-Theological phenomenon of Judo-Christianity is rooted in this time, place, historcity and Caucasoid people as well. In ancient Egypt, the Egyptians rebuilt heaven on Earth with the pyramids of Giza, laid in proper proportion of the constellation of Orion, the constellation of their God of rebirth in the afterlife, Osiris. Osiris and Orion, two morphologically similar names for the same constellation, one Egyptian the other Greek and undoubtedly from the same source, probably the older Egyption. 

Osiris was their God of the afterlife. This religious aspect of ancient Egyptian culture was the glue bonding the people together by a common and desired belief. The Nile River Valley, agriculture and astrology all contributed to the illusion of life after death. Moreover, the belief of a life after death helped the people live a better, more moral life, which in turn helped the culture and ultimately it is culture that raises the level of the quality of life for the human. All this made the illusion very desirable and exceptionally valuable. 

The Jews being from the nomadic herdsmen half of this time and place agro-pastoral duality, found their belief in a single God, more likely than not, from  the concept of the shepherd and flock, with the shepherd and his role conceptualizing a superior being alone possessing the grand design and fulfilling the great protector and all knowing watchman that became God. The Jews did not believe in an afterlife, that belonged to the brother Cain or agricultural belief system. 

Among other realities Jesus brought the life after death conceptual phenomenon to his people, his fellow Jews, though those same Jews rejected the belief. Further, the life after death was not alone the Province of the agriculturalist, but also of the Zodiac.

It is known that the Jews of the time of Jesus did believe a Messiah was coming. Further since the Romans occupied the Jews, the Jews were anticipating a military type Messiah liberating them from the Roman rule. Simon of Perea, a generation or two before Jesus filled this bill, and further, set the stage for a persecuted to be crucified Messiah.
Further, both Simon and Jesus were to rise from the dead after three days. This reflects the agro-natural phenomenon of the winter solace, where the sun dies metaphorically on that winter soltice day, December 22nd, stays in that position, the dead state, until on the third day, December 25th,  when it then rises by one degree; "and on the third day he rose again from the dead".
Jesus of course was not military but peace loving. Moreover he undoubtedly realized beating Rome was impossible militarily, and that turning the other cheek was the more sensible response. That by turning the other cheek a Roman aggressor did not get superiority achieved satisfaction and instead got a bit of humble pie. Much like the Gandhi tactic in the 20th century India, British Empire, showdown.
Further, this turn the other check, persecuted to be crucified play, would be embraced by all people of the Roman sphere, who lived under the heavy foot of Roman tyranny and felt persecuted themselves. Christianity would become like a virus, invading a system and eventually, achieve superiority over that system from within: "And the meek shall inherit the Earth", Jesus, the Nazarene.

So why were the people of the time expecting a Messiah? What mystical phenomenon heralded the coming of a Messiah?

The Astro-Theologic aspect of religion, and here in particular the Earths Precession, and its 12 Zodiac constellation signs, on the precession calendar year, was about to leave the age of Aires and enter the age of Pisces. Undoubtedly, at least for me anyway, this phenomenon was the heralding of the coming of a Messiah for those of that place and time.

For the scholarly of the time and Fertile Crescent place, this understanding would have had a potent religio-mystical meaning, one that also would filter down to the common people.

For those increduled about astrology's influence on religion, there is a some strong evidence, as evidenced for example by the sun and the twelve constellation of the Zodiac, and the number twelve with a central object, such as the twelve sons of Jacob or the twelve tribes of Israel or even the twelve disciples of Christ. The sun itself is a potent Zodiacal symbol, as God the father or the son, "I am the light of the world", Jesus the Nazarene, here translates as, I am the sun in the sky, the paternal sun-god, life giving and all powerful.

For me, the more I come to understand this phenomenon, the greater my appreciation for all of it becomes. Further, this understanding does not lessen my thinking of Jesus but rather increases it.
Moreover, understanding that Jesus was the Great Man who entered the arena and put all this together, including sacrificing his life for the cause, impresses me immensely.

All this however, now flows into our own time frame. The Age of Pisces ends and the Age of Aquarius begins about 2150. Not that the cosmos has a mystical grip on me as it did with our ancestors of that place and time, but it fits the bill nicely because our own time is facing a challenge of cultural ideologies just as we now, coincidentally, approach this changing Zodiac Age.

Culture is what transforms the quality of human life from a lower natural level to a higher more satisfying level, by bonding a common people to a common set of ideals and beliefs.

On this reality sits our white liberals and their ideology and non-liberal, non-apostate whites and our ideology. The question is, whose ideology shall rule over our culture for the next "Age"?

I believe in our white gene pool/race, culture, lands and posterity, so I reject the white liberal ideology of a one world gene pool achieved via miscegenation. I believe in nation-state Republics, but have no faith in a new world, one world order of globalism, socialism, democracy and huge government.

I believe that whites can live in harmony with their nature in a free enterprise Republic of liberty, pursuing their wealth and happiness.

I want no part of a socialist democracy where the great unwashed tier lives in tyranny, poverty and misery.

With white liberals having now achieved their superiority in all the white man's "free" lands on planet Earth, the time has come to seek out our own new, non-liberal, non-apostate, white nation-states.

A new White Homeland.

For the continuation of our gene pool/race.

And most of all, for our beloved and coming, white posterity.

From the Sanctuary, blogging @
I'm PDK: Thank you.

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