Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our White Man's Higher Culture
of Civilization

Where are we whites today? Are we standing on the mountain top overlooking our prosperity and happiness, of both today and tomorrow, or are we teetering on a precipice peering down into an abyss of morass to which we are most assuredly, sooner or later, doomed?

We, in my opinion, are divided between our liberal and non-liberal halves, and it is here upon this division where we as a gene pool/race will either continue on into the future successfully, as a human sub-species living in accordance with our nature, or slowly accept extinction as if by boa constrictor.

I firmly sense and see, that if we non-liberal whites remain allied with our supposedly fellow whites of liberalism, the white liberals, who, born of our own gene pool, whom further, masquerade as one of us, albeit with a superior and noble persona, but are willing to sell our gene pool/race/culture/lands and posterity to any and all takers to save themselves from their personal responsibility to mature or transcend their insanity, that our said, white gene pool/race/culture/lands and posterity , shall one day experience and make manifest, the end of our white days.

Liberals are, and liberalism is, quite clearly the failure to mature and or transcend insanity. Immaturity and insanity deny reality and substitute a preferred illusion in said reality's stead. Chief among a liberal's immature traits are cowardice and selfishness.

Further, and just as importantly, it is these traits of cowardice and selfishness that compel the liberals to pursue their superiority without pursuing, nor achieving, their maturity. When liberals are successful at achieving their superiority without achieving their maturity, they become the immature and insane in charge and giving the orders that all must obey or then accept the consequences of an unimaginable and inappropriate, social shunning.

From as far back as the late 18th century, modern liberalism as the immature and insane began their pursuit of superiority achieved without maturity achieved. Here the days of liberals being the haves not, and conservatives being the haves ended and gave way to a new order of social structure whereby either the matured and the sane, or the immature and insane would rule the roost of the white man's higher culture of civilization.

In our modern era, civilization can flow in one of two directions only. Civilization can flow in the direction of the white man's higher culture of civilization, where what is best for the culture is pursued, as in a Republic, or a civilization can flow in the direction of and for the immature, insane and of low IQ, whereby  supposedly, the best for the majority of the populace of said culture is pursued, as in a fully enfranchised democracy. The former position creates a culture of unmatched power and prosperity from which all are enriched. The latter produces a culture in decline and pursuing ruination, whereby the elite liberal leaders enjoy the highlife of power, fame and fortune, but also whilst the great unwashed masses flounder in tyranny, poverty and misery.

It is our white liberals, born of our own white gene pool, who prefer to think of themselves at all our expense, including most painfully of all, at the expense of our posterity, rather than to embrace their personal responsibility to mature, per natures charge, and allow our white man's higher culture of civilization its proper place in the nature of things, to reign supreme, and enrich all of us of both today and tomorrow by rising to the top like white cream in milk .

Today we whites, in my humble opinion, are teetering on the precipice peering down into the abyss of morass from which we must retreat soon or accept extermination of ourselves, the white, sub-species of humans.

It is the liberals and their liberalism that has herded us here. It is us, non-liberal whites who must now bear the burden of this manifest cultural ruin, and lead our own kind, our non-liberal white selves and our posterity, to our Promised land, via a separating out and away from white liberals and their allies, the low IQed Negros, the Hispanic white/browns, the Islamics and all other losers of planet Earth, and thenceforth forging from our own lands, the Promised land of the white man's higher culture of civilization.

I'm PDK: Thank you.