Sunday, May 4, 2014

Two From the Road

On the hypocrisy of the MSM, from FPM:

PDK says,

The MSM is, in reality, the LMSM, (liberal).

Liberals are those who fail to mature or transcend insanity. Liberals branch out into shepherd leaders, and flock followers. Cheating is the prerogative of the immature.

Liberals pretend they are for liberty. Traditionally they hate fascists, dictators and totalitarians. However as they, and then when they, achieve their superiority and are in control and giving the orders, it is their way or suffer their wrath of their jackboot, arm and fist policy that persecutes to crucify dissenters in their social and economic world.

Liberalism is not the classical academic concept of yore, the have nots. Liberalism is a new religious movement, intent on overthrowing the old Judo-Christian religion.

This new religious movement of liberalism has as its ultimate destination, a new Heaven on Earth scenario. This false Utopia is the coming new world, one world order of socialism, democracy and huge government with themselves at the top, in charge and giving the orders, and enjoying the highlife of power, fame and fortune.

All others in their grand design illusion to be made a manifest reality, the great unwashed masses, shall thus forevermore flounder about in the morass of tyranny, poverty and misery.

Liberalism is the iceberg targeting the Titanic.

From the Sanctuary, @
I'm PDK: Thank you.

From Nick Styx. on Miscegenation:

PDK says,

The freedom to marry whom you choose.

If John boy, puts a gun to your head and says your money or your life. And further, you give him your money. Did you make a free choice?

I say no, you were forced to surrender your money.

It is no different with our white sons and daughters.

White liberals have always hated anyone or anything, the government, fascism, totalitarians or dictators telling them how it is going to be. They were for liberty.

That is until they achieved their superiority, and now, with liberal superiority achieved, it is their way or face their jackboot arm and fist policy of liberal persecution to crucify in one's social and economic world.

Ask Don Sterling about his right to privacy or his first amendment rights.

Our white sons and daughters are being pressured by this wrongful, miscegenation policy of white liberal ideology to marry outside one's own race.

This is just like the concept in the movie "The Manchurian Candidate", circa 1951 with Frank Sinatra.

This liberal ideology is in pursuit of the extinction of our white gene pool/race.

If one cannot see this, the myopia reflects the lack of courage to defy white liberal ideology, and therefore one thusly becomes part of the problem that is driving whites into extinction.

Further, these myopic personalities then pretend, to themselves and the world, that they are morally superior, and this cloaks the truth, that they then do not see, their own cowardice.

If the slide down the liberal ideological helter shelter continues, we whites will go extinct.

I hope you get to read this sir. This discourse is so good you could take it to the bank.

I should charge for these accurate reflections of reality, but no one wants to pay me for this.

Say, how much do they pal Al Sharpton for his highly accurate reflections of reality?

From the Sanctuary, and presently looking for the nearest soup kitchen, unlike the negro Al, I'm PDK: Thank you.

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