Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Liberal ideology and B.H.Obama

One need only cursorily read the news online these days of late to sense where we are, and further, perhaps even more importantly, to sense where we are headed as a collective. Here in America, the land of Euro-whites, from our distant relatives the Solutreans, the original founders and inhabitants of the new continent, to our more contemporary relatives of Christopher Columbus and of course, our Founding Fathers, we non-liberal whites find ourselves at war with our own fellow white liberals and their allies, the losers of the world, for ideological supremacy.

Liberals are the immature. Immaturity denies reality and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality’s stead. Further, immaturity accepts unconditionally, that those who are immature have the right to practice guile, to cheat, and equally embrace the counterpoint, that maturity is denied access to this same, very particular tool of social chess.

Non-liberal whites must fight clean, whilst white liberals and their allies have an inherit right to fight dirty.

The B.H.Obama Presidency, his administration, and the liberal democrat party have embraced the immature “right to Cheat” strategy to the point that genuine crimes against the state, perhaps crimes of high treason, are committed but not prosecuted and worse, the liberal culprits, be they white or be they black, are allowed to skirt the responsibility of their crimes.

Fast and furious, our southern border, Benghazi, illegal phone tapping and the current IRS fiasco targeting non-liberal whites, all reflect, with great clarity, the accepted rules of engagement, in our ideological war, as the white liberals and their loser allies prescribe them to be.

B.H.Obama and Eric Holder, the two mulatto black, current leaders of our government today, are and will, walk away clean, with their dirty hands, from their employed illegal tactics, designed to hasten and complete, the transmogrification of our Founding Father’s free enterprise Republic for white winners, to their socialist democracy for white liberal losers, and their lower IQed allies, the blacks, the browns, the Islamics and others, the losers of humanity.

In a 1987 movie release, an Arnold Schwarzenegger, futuristic sci-fi picture set in the year 2017, just 4 years from now, “The Running Man”, by Richard Bachman, where the entire collective is held under the sway of an illusion, which further, the powers that be of said illusion, protect and defend that illusion via indoctrination of all, and corrective thinking indoctrination for those who see through the illusion, and begin the fight for freedom anew.

This is so apropos to the illusion of the liberal ideology of today, both of the white liberal ideology, and the black, “social justice” ideology, together, two peas in the same pod, the pod whereby all non-liberal whites must sacrifice themselves to the liberal ideology of the “White man’s burden”, allowing the losers to become winners, and forcing winners to become losers, in a total abrogation and abomination of nature herself.

The white race and gene pool, as evidence by the white races’ accomplishments of the last millennium, stands above the other races; it is they who parasitize us, not the other way around. For white liberals to blame non-liberal whites, for the other sub-species of human’s failures and in capabilities, is insanity. To follow up and further this insane ideology by giving our white, cultural wealth and white, gene pool treasures to those non-white, losers in the world of human sub-species people, is an act of sacrilege and a transgression of nature, the equivalent of Lucifer attempting to usurp God to serve his own selfish desires, including achieving superiority, via guile, at the collectives expense.

Our white cultural treasure lost to this insanity is only outweighed by our white gene pool lost to this same insanity, for our posterity should be our white race’s most cherished valuable.

Secession is the answer, the only answer. Thank you.

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