From the end of the
Babylonian captivity, the captivity holding the last two extant tribes of the
Jews, circa 536 BC, is the story from the book of Daniel, involving the
Babylonian King Belshazzar, Daniel and the writing on the wall. Here a decadent
King Belshazzar summons Daniel to interpret a mysterious handwriting that is
suddenly written on the wall by disembodied hand.
Daniel interprets the
written words, “Mene, Mene, Tekal, u-Pharsin” to state; “Your days are numbered-you
have been weighed and art found wanting-your Kingdom shall be divided between your
two enemies”.
Now, 2500 years
later, here in the white man’s land of both Europe and the new continent, we whites
find ourselves ruled by white liberals, white liberal ideology and here in
America by a mulatto black, liberal President, B.H.Obama.
Unfortunately for us
whites, liberalism for the great masses of the unwashed and hoi polloi is, for
and about, immaturity, the 7 deadly sins kind of immaturity. Further, and perhaps
worse for both our white culture and gene pool longevity, liberalism, of and
for liberal leaders, involves the personality disorders created by the mental illness
complexes of megalomania, narcissism and the God-complex.
White liberalism as
an ideology is the pod containing numerous, “sibling peas” realities, feminism,
abolitionism, Yankeeism, Marxism, socialism and progressivism to name the most
potent of these “sibling peas”.
The crux of liberal
ideology is clearly for non-liberal whites, the matured, to both embrace and bear
the cross, of the “White man’s burden”, an ideology that implies or states that
it is the purpose of the matured white, the non-liberal, to solve all the
problems of all others, no matter their particular sub-species, and further to
do so at their own, white, non-liberal, matured expense, and even further, at
the expense of the white gene pool and race, and therefore, quite necessarily,
at the expense of our own white posterity.
Liberalism is
immaturity; therefore one of its character traits is hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a
double standard and liberalism wields that double standard to its favor, and to
non-liberal, mature white’s detriment, and further, does so with unabashed,
power of a potentate, great relish. In the mind of a liberal, cheating, the
purview and prerogative of liberals only, is the most important tactic in the
liberal book of social chess. Further, the liberal right to cheat is jealously
guarded and protected; no non-liberal, matured white may embrace or utilize this
liberal “only” tactic.
This double standard
is why Richard Nixon, the man who ended America’s 20th century’s
greatest nightmare, the Vietnam War, as he promised, by giving America peace
with honor, was forced to resign his Presidency over Watergate, but however,
why also, Barac Obama skates his administrations greater misuse of power that has come
out of his office and administration since its early weeks.
By the way, LBJ, the
liberal democrat started America’s 20th century greatest nightmare,
and did so to prevent the spread of socialism in S E Asia, while advancing the
spread of socialism here in America with his great society programs. LBJ, the
staggeringly stupid, liberal democrat, was certifiable. His favorite quote of
himself was, “I’m a liberal and a conservative", others augmented LBJ’s
incomplete statement with, “conservative with his own money, liberal with
everyone else’s money”. LBJ, a true liberal had those telltale spots of
liberalism, immaturity, of which no amount of soap and water could ever wash away.
The portent of the “Writing
on the Wall” story is quite simply, a state of affairs, so decadent and
corrupt, so immature, that only imminent doom can now transpire. We white
people have our own writing on the wall beginning to appear, and our King
Belshazzar is liberalism.
Secession, a long
harrowing railroad tract, is not easy to embrace as our two mutually exclusive
halves, liberal and non-liberal, live together amongst ourselves. A separating
out and away from liberals and liberal states is the ticket to the first
whistle stop along that railroad tract to secession, and secession’s promised
consequence of liberty, wealth and happiness for all non-liberal whites and
said, non-liberal white’s posterity. Thank you.
Secession is the
answer, the only answer.
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