America the Beautiful
America’s Memorial Day, the
day we citizens remember those who made the supreme sacrifice as they served
the uniform and the country said uniform represented.
A radio station, in
compliance with its civil duty, played the song “America the Beautiful”. I was
taught that song as a five year old child in kindergarten, for me kindergarten
was the school year of 1959-1960. America back then was truly America the
beautiful as our population demographics were 86% white, 13% black, and 1%
others. By the way, our white females were reproducing at the healthy rate of
3.77 children per couple, during the 1955-1960 years. Unfortunately, our white
females have been unhealthily reproducing with consistently fewer than 2.0
children, per couple, for the past 30 years or more.
In any event, under
those demographics, America achieved its superiority as the greatest, richest
and most powerful nation-state ever to materialize on planet Earth. The reality
was, things were good, very good.
Now, some 54 years
since that fine year of 1959, America has tripped and stumbled, today there is
the air and smell of the rubbish heap pervading our entire land.
White liberals,
whilst running away from their personal responsibility to mature as nature
herself charges all humans, have simultaneously pursued their superiority for
their own cause, the cause of liberal ideology.
White liberals and
their ideology, liberalism, have been around for some 200 or more years, cloaked
in different suits but armed with the same long term goal of their achievement.
They have variously exposed themselves as feminist/suffragettes, abolitionist,
Yankees, Marxists, socialists and progressives, and all have worked tirelessly
to make manifest and therefore the new reality, the achievement of liberal
The banner year for
liberalism in my lifetime and perhaps for all time of liberals was 1965, the
year Ted “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy championed the Hart-Cellar act and managed to
realize passage into law of what is now called “The Immigration and Reform Act”
of 1965. This was also the time of LBJs “Great Society” programs, which in
reality was simply socialism.
In my opinion, both
Chappy and LBJ, were anti-Americans.
Unbelievable though
it seems, one, LBJ, ushers in socialism, while the other, Ted, opens America’s
doors to all the lower IQed people of the world, those prone to socialism, who
in turn, via our fully enfranchised democracy, will vote for the socialist
party, the democrats, and their socialism, and thusly help white liberals transmogrify
America from our superiority, as a free enterprise Republic into our
inferiority, as a socialist democracy.
Socialist democracy
is for the immature and especially for, the low IQed people of the world, aka,
the losers of the world, and therefore represents the transference of white
earned, white wealth, to undeserving, unearning different sub-species of humans
such as the black, and the browns.
It was bad enough for
the lower IQed black Africans to steal into America back in our Colonial days
before whites could realize just how retarded those 70 IQed black Africans
were. Further, once they saw the white man’s superior culture of civilization,
they wanted in, but however, they do not fit in. This understanding can be
gleaned by knowing just how much the Negro sub-species have cost white America.
But for Ted to allow
the browns, or Hispanics the right to invade our land with their lower IQed
cerebrum, is both lunacy and anti-white racism.
Blacks parasitize
both white culture and the white gene pool. The Hispanics, parasitize white
culture while pursuing their superiority via the Reconquista, and organizations
such as La Raza, (the race), indoctrinating young Mexicans, here in America,
with their Hispanic ideology to eventually make manifest the Hispanic mythic
state of Aztlan, which today encompasses a near third of continental America.
As it is Memorial Day,
the day white Americans remember the supreme sacrifice made by so many young
white men, in the prime, or flowering, of their young lives, to preserve the
American way, it is unsettling to see the America they served transmogrified
into a loser socialist democracy by white liberals and their allies, the
blacks, browns, Islamics and the other, losers of the world, people.
Though I sang along
with the playing of the song “America the Beautiful”, I realized that America
today is a walking dead man, rapidly approaching the fulfillment of liberal
ideology achieved, the achievement of superiority without maturity.
Woe and morose will
be our white posterity.
Secession is the
answer, the only answer. Thank you.
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