Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Homo negro in the NFL Comes Out

American football is, and has been, targeted by the American negro as their sport. They will use game, season and career ending hits on white superstars to cleanse or purge whites from the white man's game. Further, negros are promoted by sports venues such as ESPN, with the choice of negro over white clear and unmistakable, and moreover, where the low gets real low when ESPN teams up a pulchritudinous white woman with a negro ex ballplayer for commentary and analysis.
This of course is liberal ideology, furthering its sacred agenda, of miscegenation and mulattoism. This is why we are losing our white daughters to the negro and miscegenation.
This is disgusting to me and clearly is an abrogation of nature via apostasy. Is there any doubt as to why we whites are the smallest in number of the big three sub-species of humans?
At this point in time, with the pending retirements of Brady, Manning and Brees approaching, the NFL will, in my opinion, have its torch passed from the white to the negro. American football will at this point go the route of basketball.
White man created sports games are slowly handed over to the parasitic negro because there is not much the low IQed negro can do in the white man’s higher culture of civilization.
Now a negro homo football player, one Michael Sam, comes out of the closet and one can only wonder how long before Obama chimes in again.
First, in my opinion, Obama is, near without doubt, a homo. Further, I believe him to be a cuckold, his daughters are not his, at least not by his sperm. They are way to dark to have received Obama's maternal, female, white chromosomal set, further, they do not show the heart shape face Obama inherited from his white mother, which therefore is a dominate trait.
If Michelle had boys, no one would be the wiser, but 10th grade biology allows me to see clearly, that those girls did not come from his sperm.
Homoism, as with lesboism, is another liberal ideology crusade, where the illusion perpetrated is that evil whitey, headhunts to persecute, those with a different sexual orientation.
Truth is, if homos kept their homoism to themselves and in their own private lives and bedrooms, whitey would care less. However, dumping one's homoism upon hetero males, hoping for some gratudinous sex  will get the appropriate, punch upside the head, response.
When you ask for it and get it, do not go running to your liberal leaders telling a half truth. He hit me, without telling the rest of the truth, after I inappropriately grab his penis. Don’t begin a squawking campaign about old, white male republicans in your bedroom, when the reality is you have brought your bedroom routine into public view.
Mature up, keep your bedroom homo routine in your bedroom, out of site is out of mind.
Decency begets decency. A rude solicitation gets a rude response. Capeesch?
Liberalism is the ideology of the immature and the insane. The only bad guy out there by the liberal standard is your run of the mill, normal white guy; the hetero, non-liberal white man.
Liberalism is making normal and natural, abnormal and un-natural; and further making abnormal and un-natural normal and natural.
Time for normal and natural whites to consider the SS&DI solution.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.





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