Wednesday, February 26, 2014

As Islam Invades our White Lands

Most people are of the mistaken belief that Europe’s dark ages began with the fall of Rome in AD 476. This is not true. Europe’s dark ages began shortly after Mohammed sent his Muslims out to conquer the world at or near his own death, circa AD 632, a sesquicentennial later. What transpired then to cause the collapse of Roman civilization, the Mediterranean world, were in fact those very Muslims on the march for Allah and Mohammed.

The man who postulated this thesis was Henri Pirenne, a Belgian historian, born circa 12/1862- died 10/1935. His book was published as Mohammed and Charlemagne shortly after his death. Apparently, Henri was imprisoned by Germany during WW1, and wrote his book, while in prison, from memory, and then upon release at wars end, unbelievably, he put his manuscript down never to return to. I believe this is what happened as best I understand it.

Further, it appears to me his great work may have been lost forever but for one of his sons finding his work, editing it into completion and subsequently publishing it, in 1937.

The Muslims did then what they do now, bring their faith of hate first to conquer, then second, to sow ruination and stagnation into all the lands they invade. They forever push to yoke all to their misogynistic religion of hate via proselytization, as Islam pursues its superiority made manifest by conquering and submitting the world to Sharia law.

Unbelievably, white liberals, the planet Earth over, embrace these people, and welcome them into our white lands.

When those very Muslims destroyed the civilization the Roman’s built in SW Asia, the Levant, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, the fair free trade that supported the Roman civilization was destroyed as well, eliminating the wealth creation process and ushered in the poverty that subsequently caused the dark ages.

It was with the Crusades that the middle ages began. In the late 11th century Pope Urban the 2nd, called for European Christians to retake the Holy Land, as the Muslim conquerors were beheading European Christians on their pilgrimage to their sacred Holy Land. This effort helped spurr the growth of European culture, and therefore helped lead Europe on into the renaissance.

Basically, the state of affairs between European white Christians and Islam remained fairly stable from the end of the Crusades until the late 19th, early 20th century, when American oil men I believe, found oil in the Arab deserts of the Middle East. Capitalism came to Islam, and this meant wealth creation, which in turn, spurred resurgence, by and in, loser Islam as reflected in the birth of the Muslim Brotherhood, by one Hassan el-Banna in 1928.

Since that time Islam has been growing by leaps and bounds.

Like mushrooms after a rain storm, the Muslims took advantage of the oil money and sprouted fast and furious as mushrooms must do before the life creating wealth dries up, and this to further Mohammed’s directive to conquer, submit and enslave all to their insanity of Islam.

Meanwhile, white liberals the planet Earth over began adopting the liberal ideological concept of the “White man’s burden” from at least as early as the 1830s. This white liberal insanity, itself born of the failure to mature or transcend insanity, is forcing upon all whites the burden of parenting and saving all non-whites, to the point of sacrificing both our own cultural wealth and our greatest treasure of all, our own white posterity.

The liberal nightmare falsely perceived as a dream, where all will be delivered to a new Promised Land of Utopia, will in reality, lead only to a Dystopia, from which our posterity will be forced to slog through the morass of tyranny, poverty and misery, perhaps never to rendezvous with, and never to experience, their happiness, which only the life lived in “harmony with their own nature” can bring.

Negros, browns, Islamics and all of planet Earth's losers, intend to rifle our locks, raid our treasures and sub-plant us in our own land.

The SS&DI solution is the only solution; the separate out and away, secede and declare independence, of and for, non-liberal whites only solution.

From the Sanctuary, @
I’m PDK: Thank you.
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Thank you and God bless.



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