Wednesday, July 3, 2013

America's Fourth of July

As dawn breaks and the new days sun doth shine upon this 237th anniversary of July 4th 1776, the day America’s Founding Fathers Promulgated to England, King George the 3rd and the entire civilized world that England’s 13 American Colonies were not England’s anymore, but rather were now an independent country, and did so promulgate by their formal Declaration of Independence, we should, as Americans, be celebrating.

We Americans should be celebrating because these fine, non-liberal white men of primarily Nordic European stock risked life and limb, braved beyond where the brave dare not go and in achievement of their pursuit did both give themselves and their posterity a most desirable, free enterprise Republic.

The names of the Founding Fathers who gave the most should be known to all Americans, names such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Patrick Henry and John Jay, but sadly, most Americans who vote for the liberal democrat party would not know who most of these men were, and worse could care less.

George, Tom, Benjamin and John:

 Clockwise from upper left

A trip to Detroit or Los Angeles would help confirm this reality. In Detroit, 85% Negro, the names of LeBron James or Michael Jordan are much better known than America’s Founding Fathers. Further, with the exceptions of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington most of Detroit would not know any Founding Fathers and further know of those two only because they grace the 100 and 1 dollar bills respectively.

Modern Day Detroit

It was after April the 19th, 1775, where in Concord and Lexington the shot heard round the world was fired, that the Second Continental Congress met in May 1775 to begin the work which would fruit into the Declaration of Independence.

But expect not a white liberal or their allies, the Negros, Hispanic white/browns or Islamics to know this. However the white liberals know, as they are so fond of pointing out, that the Founding Fathers were “just” capitalist, as if there was/is something wrong with capitalist. Further white liberals never point out that the wealthiest of Colonist in that day, also capitalist, remained loyal to the Crown, they were the loyalists.

Some of Americas Founding Fathers had solid educations; some such as George and Benjamin were mostly self-taught. In today’s America, there is a tremendous opportunity for free education for both legal and illegal children at the tax-payers, mostly white tax-payer dollars, expense. Further, there are both free breakfast and lunch meals for the poor, mostly those children other than the child of a taxpaying, non-liberal white, citizen.

The last Founding Father alive, James Madison died in 1836, the same year as David Crockett, one of Americas two greatest Frontier Heroes, who died at the Alamo fighting for Texas independence.

A young James Madison

Further he died in Andrew Jackson’s last Presidential year. Andrew was a child during America’s Revolutionary war. His parents’ house was occupied by the British, and one day, Andrew, ordered by a British lieutenant to clean said lieutenant’s boots, refused and was saber slapped across the face. Andrew was the last President with any tie to the Revolutionary War.

Shortly after America’s Founding Fathers made a free enterprise Republic a reality by standing up to, and defeating, the world’s greatest authority figure, the world’s only super power of the time, the British Crown, one Mary Wollstonecraft published, in 1792, “A Vindication of the Rights of Women”, and thus began modern day liberalism.

All throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, those of liberal persuasion, first and foremost the immature and the insane white liberal, and of course also the Low IQed and immature Negros, Hispanic white/browns and Islamics, worked to established a fully enfranchised democracy, and once achieved did then begin transmogrifying America’s Founding Fathers Republic into their coveted socialist democracy.

The Founding Fathers incorporated a limited democracy and that limited democracy, among other realities, allowed America to become the richest, most powerful nation-state planet Earth has ever known.

However, for those who would prefer their freedom to do what they please, as they please, and at other people’s expense, those who clamor about their rights but have no regard for other people’s rights, and lastly those who refuse their personal responsibility to mature, those people of course being the white liberals and most of their low IQed allies, targeted America’s Founding Father’s culture in large part because it created and possessed great wealth, of which they desired to partake of, via the redistribution of socialism.  Their mission was to transmogrify, selfishly, this wealth and happiness culture of liberty into a socialist democracy, for their selfish want to achieve their wealth and happiness without earning their wealth and happiness.

Today America has spent all of our capitalist grandfather’s and unborn grandchildren’s money.  This is what happens when those not fit for enfranchisement, the immature and the low IQed, are given enfranchisement.

There is no sense to arguing with white liberals, the immature and insane, or their allies, the Negros, Hispanic white/browns and Islamics, the low IQed, immature and insane. The only hope for a future life for non-liberal whites to live in harmony with their nature is to separate out and away from said white liberals and their allies via secession, and begin again, outlawing them and their ideology from the start.

It was/is they who need us, and further us who cannot afford them.

I believe in my white gene pool/race and culture. I intend that my white posterity receive from me what I received from my white Founding Fathers.

On this July 4th celebration of America’s independence, it is time for non-liberal whites to begin thinking about a new independence, one with prosperity and happiness for our own kind. Thank you.


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