The Duty of
non-liberal Whites
I finally got to see the
1915 movie classic, “The Birth of a Nation” at the turn of the century. It was
clearly racist as it portrayed the realistic incompatibility of blacks liberated
and set free in the white man’s higher culture of civilization. Clearly,
experience has validated the movies message, and further proved out that racism,
of and in itself, reflects the truth of reality and therefore is a good and
positive concept.
Most unfortunately today
however, non-liberal whites have a lot more to worry about than just the,
incapable of assimilating blacks, as here in America and elsewhere in the white
world we are being invaded by the Hispanics, browns, and Islamics, and
obviously experience shows all those non-white races and sub-races as being
incapable of functioning in the white man’s higher culture of civilization.
It is of course
because of white liberals that this insanity of welcoming in the harbinger of
our white race and gene pools extinction is occurring. As white liberals are
the immature flock followers of the megalomaniacal, narcissistic and God-complexed
shepherd leaders who embrace the ideology of the white man’s burden as the best
possible means for achieving the new world, one world order of globalism,
socialism and democracy of which they are in pursuit.
Further, this ultimately
intends that the white gene pool and race be diluted and lessened by the
melding of all gene pools into one. This is good for the loser races of planet
Earth, but atrocious for whites.
That white liberals
ideologically hate their own gene pool and race is clear by their words and
actions. Paul Ehrlich, author of “The Population Bomb”, prophesizing and
eliciting a doom and gloom scenario pushing whites into reductive breeding.
Susan Sontag, “whites are the cancer of humanity” and Bill Ayers, “all white
babies should be killed” to name a few liberals who have openly besmirch their
own race and or call or imply for the lessening of whites in the world
White liberals and
their ideology also embrace miscegenation, which clearly lessens the white gene
In just the past half
century, America has gone from 86.5% white to now just 63.7% white. As our
white numbers have fallen, our national debt has increased.
Recently released
statistics show that between 7/11 and 7/12, more white Americans died than were
born, and further unfortunately, this is a global trend for whites.
The history of
humanity for the past millennium makes manifest the white gene pool and race’s
superiority for creating and achieving. It also makes manifest the inferiority
of the other races for the same creating and achieving ability.
Understanding and knowing
this, is it not insanity to herd our white gene pool/race towards and into
extinction? Is this not insanity? Are white liberals ultimately our beached
whale leaders?
The time has clearly
come, and the need most assuredly has risen, for non-liberal whites to separate
away from white liberals, and gather together in our own land and further, to
never allow liberal ideology to sully and or besmirch our ideology of pursuing
liberty, wealth and happiness.
On the North American
continent, the large amount of both real estate and natural resources makes the
endeavor of secession from white liberals, their ideology and their allies, the
blacks, browns and Islamics, a most desirable possibility.
A secessionary
movement begins with idea sharing via talking amongst ourselves. Without a
movement toward secession, we whites do accept by default, white liberal ideology,
and the ultimate extinction of our white gene pool/race.
I for one would like
to believe that our magnificent white gene pool will remain pure and unsullied
for our posterity as it was for us. However, it must be understood, that
liberal ideology would sell our gene pool to achieve its malignant objective.
Woe will our
posterity be, should we of today choose a dereliction of duty, and not take the
necessary protective measures to preserve and protect our white gene pool, and
by extension, our white created, higher culture of civilization, from the
destructive and ruinous intentions of white liberals and their lower IQed allies,
the blacks, browns and Islamics. Thank you.
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