Saturday, June 22, 2013

Secession and Divine Providence

Jesus talked about those who could see the twig in another’s eye, but not the branch in their own. Jesus was talking about the hypocrisy of immaturity, Jesus was talking about liberals. Further, there is a difference between illusion and allegory or metaphor.

White liberals look down upon their fellow whites who embrace the faiths of Judo-Christianity. For in the liberal philosophy/ideology, God and most of the Bible is just an illusion in an individual’s head. Peculiar it is that they can see the illusion of the Biblical God, but cannot see their own illusions born of their own immaturity; as further, liberal immaturity denies reality and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality’s stead.

Moreover, white liberals do have a religion, though it is not Judo-Christianity, but rather, liberal ideology. The faith of liberal ideology is the white liberal’s religion. Likewise though liberals reject and repudiate the Biblical God they embrace their own God, “Big Government”, aka big daddy, aka the liberal’s God, (aka, also known as).

Liberals borrow, or more accurately, steal from Judo-Christian mythology. They, for example, hope for deliverance to their new “Promised Land” of a one world, new world order of globalism, socialism and democracy.

Stanley Ann Dunham, the white mother of one Barac Hussein Obama, after impregnation out of wed-lock, followed her husband to his far away land, gave birth to her son in the decadence of poverty, and then returned home. This of course was a re-enactment of the Nativity, the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus. This, quite obviously is the stealing of the story of the Virgin Mary and her tribulations in conceiving and birthing The Messiah.

Stanley stole from Judo-Christianity to make a statement, for herself and to the world. For to her, obviously, her son Barac, was to be, The Messiah, The Messiah of socialism.

One Barac Hussein Obama, the anti-American Messiah, now apotheosized at his second coronation last January, 2013, is a mulatto. With his supped up black brain by white genes, he has pursued black social justice philosophy, which, by the way is not justice by any stretch of the imagination, and further, with his dumbed down white brain by Negro genes pursues his mother’s illusion of socialism as the panacea for our American culture. The result of this mulatto’s action is nothing less than a wrecking ball smashing into the good edifice America. Unfortunately, he has just enough intelligence to make him an extremely dangerous and destructive man. His kind is dangerous for all humanity, but by far and away, seriously and especially dangerous, for whites.
The Passion and Strength of Jesus the Christ

The other Messiah; one of them must be wrong
As I see it, there are two levels of liberals, not necessarily dumb and dumber, but Sheppard and flock, the insane and the immature. Among other realities,  the Sheppard’s or the insane, are moving their flock’s mind set or weltanschauung to embrace miscegenation, explicitly to advance a new race of mulatto people, whom, it will turn out, are less intelligent than whites, but more intelligent than blacks. Obviously, this is good for the black race, and just as obviously bad for the white race. The Oriental race seems not to be inclined to such destructive behavior; therefore the white race is in trouble.

I do not patronize TV or movies; however it filters down here and there, of Hollywood leading our young white, soon to become women, teenage girls as young as 10 or 11, to perceive marriage with black men as both “ok” or “cool”, and even superior to marrying a fellow white man. This is tantamount to racial and cultural suicide.

If there were fairness afoot in this liberal tactic, it would also be pointed out to our young, white daughters that a white woman who marries a Negro is 12.5 times more likely to be murdered than the white woman who marries a white man. But liberals are immature and cheating is the immature’s prerogative.

Because our white race/culture has become polarized with those who fail to mature pursuing a death by anaconda to our white, gene pool/race/culture, trying to do to all of us what a beached whale does to himself on one side, and a healthy vibrant, matured white race/culture on the other side pursuing liberty, wealth and happiness, we must accept one of two alternatives. Either we remain one people and die collectively, or we separate out into two mutually exclusive countries and live our distinctively different cultural lives, whereby one dies out while the other thrives.

The window of opportunity for two mutually exclusive countries is limited. It should behoove all matured white people to begin thinking about secession.

Secession just might be the answer, perhaps it is Divine Providence. Thank you.




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