Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Brief on Reality

In 1900, one in every two humans born in America had blue eyes. In 1916 Madison Grant published his Opus Magnus, “The Passing of the Great Race”, making manifest his understanding of Nordic Superiority and his desire to keep American demographics faithful to America’s founding people.
In 2000, one in six humans born in America had blue eyes. This change in a single century correlates well with white liberals and their ideology’s rise in superiority achieved, and the subsequent enforcement of that ideology upon the white collective.
Modern liberalism emerged in 1792 with Mary Wollstonecraft's "A Vindication of the Rights of Women". Her work is viewed as the birth of feminism by most, but as the birth of liberalism by me.
Most of you might be more familiar with Mary's daughter, Mary Shelley, author of "Frankenstein".
By the 1830's, liberalism's ideology of the white man's burden emerged, and it is here that the lowly negro found his best friend, the immature, selfish and cowardly liberals, as they would deliver the negro to his salvation from his plight, by nature's decree, of extinction.
White liberals sold our collective white soul for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.
Though white liberals get to cheat their personal responsibility to mature, and live the highlife that otherwise only the mature should experience, there is a high price for all whites to pay for their preferred path of "The easy way", "The short cut to Nirvana" way.
Now, early in the new 21st century, it is the white gene pool/race that is listing toward extinction.
The race of humans that invented the clock, the great ships, the gun, the TV, radio and computers, the race that gave to all humans antibiotics and a cornucopia of sustenance, is now the race threatened with extinction by both low birth rates and miscegenation, both of which are the brainchild of white liberals and their ideology.
White liberals are the iceberg targeting the Titanic.

Our white gene pool/race is doomed if we non-liberal whites fail to act.
Time to consider the SS&DI solution.
For our beloved posterity.
From the Sanctuary, and blogging at http://the-pdk.blogspot.com/
 I'm PDK: Thank you.


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