Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Persona Deep

White liberals are the cancer of the white race, to borrow, via a paraphrasing from Susan Sontag's infamous quote, "The white race is the cancer of the humanity", circa 1967. By the way, Susan's adage certainly seems to me to be, the otherwise unspoken, both creed and mantra, of liberalism.

In academia, liberalism once meant the haves not, just as conservative meant the haves. However it should be manifest to all of today’s world, that those who are the liberals are the immature and the insane, they are those who pursue and many times achieve their superiority, but also are those who never pursue, and therefore never achieve, their maturity.

To the common eye a liberal seems all grown up. However, grown up and mature are two different realities with but some overlap. It is folly to assume that because one is physically mature, that they are also psychologically and or pysco-sociologically mature.

Chief among immature traits of liberals is cowardice. A coward would normally experience shame and a shunning should their cowardice become manifest. The liberal realizes this and rather than working to mature beyond their cowardice or at least accept their limitations they instead prefer to embrace “persona courage”.

For those not in the know, we all have a persona. It is a mask we wear to show the world something we are not, but hope the world will think it is what we are, in order to keep the world from seeing who or what we really are. Further, as with a firearm, so to with a persona. It is not the persona that is inherently bad, for many times it is good and proper. It is however, the person using the persona that makes the persona either good or bad.

Many times the liberal who failed to mature beyond his or her cowardice will forge a persona that displays “noble courage”. This is the shield that a liberal hides his real cowardice behind. It looks genuine to the unkeen eye. It is where the liberal feigns a courageous defense of those whom he is cowardly afraid of, whilst further feigns a righteous courage against his own kind whom he has no reason to fear.

This cheat of nature, this act of social chess guile, bears a price. It is a price that is then brought to bear upon the collective. For those who are the beneficiaries of the noble courageous act are usually in competition of one form or another with the collective from whence came the liberal with his feigned act of courage.

Though the liberal puts up a magnificent display of both noble courage and righteous courage with his “act”, the reality is, his act does only harm to the collective, never good. His act of courage is not a real, genuine display of true courage it is only a false courage, it is a courage that is only “persona deep”.

White liberals practicing the art of persona deep courage are, in reality, masquerading as a mature adult when in fact they are an immature adult. They are an illusion, not reality, and the selfishness of their immaturity will allow these cowardly liberals to beguile their own kind rather than bear their personal responsibility, per nature’s charge, to mature.

They sure look courageous don’t they? In their mind nobody can see through their illusion. Further the jackboot liberal headhunters will not target them, for ultimately they tote the liberal agenda, an agenda whose ideology is illusion to begin with.

Ultimately, our gene pool/race, culture, lands and posterity are the victims of liberal immaturity. All those we whites are in competition with now have an exploitable means of advantage in their attempt to out-compete whites for the availing but limited resources of planet Earth.

Our white numbers continue to drop, while the other sub-species of humans have their numbers increasing. We are in trouble, and further, are sinking deeper into the morass of extinction.

White liberals and their liberalism is the iceberg targeting the Titanic.

The S&S solution, to separate out and away to subsequently secede free and clear of white liberals and their allies, is the only long term, viable solution I know off.

May God himself help guide us; for we seem to have lost our way.

I’m PDK: Thank you.

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