Sunday, January 26, 2014


A contemporary liberal is he who fails to mature or fails to transcend insanity. Immaturity and insanity deny reality and substitute a preferred illusion in said reality's stead. There are two tiers of liberals.

The first tier, the tier that pursues the good shepherd persona, and thusly wishes to lead his flock, will pursue his superiority without pursuing, and therefore without achieving, his maturity. When he finally achieves his superiority, he becomes the immature one, in charge and giving the orders. His failings in the maturation process, among other realities, is a failure to transcend the insanity of megalomaniacism, narcissism and a God complex which combine to fulfill his persona of the good shepherd.

These are those who achieve the highlife of power, fame and fortune, at the expense of the collective.

Those of the second tier also pursue their superiority without pursuing, and therefore without achieving, their maturity. Here however, their destiny is in the flock tier. The insanity of megalomaniacism, narcissism and the God complex are not in play. Here the failure to mature above selfishness, cowardice, envy and other immature traits are what is in play. They become those who chose to follow the immature shepherds.

Just as the liberal, good shepherd leaders achieve their prosperity at the expense of the collective, so to do the liberal, flock followers achieve their prosperity at the collectives expense. This is a phenomenon with an imploding conclusion. The parasite can suck at the host's expense for only so long. Eventually the host dies, and the parasite's days are then numbered.

In our time, and the time of the recent past, a viable means for the liberal, of both shepherd and flock, has arisen to allow the liberal to achieve their superiority, without pursuing and therefore achieving their maturity, on the grand scale. Here a fully enfranchised democracy under the banner of liberty, will provide the means to achieve superiority, without maturity and at the collectives expense.

The other way of revolution and violent overthrowing becomes unnecessary.

Liberty, to be viable, needs to be wed to responsibility. Responsibility is a mature trait. Liberals are the immature. Liberty in the hands of the immature is one of the most dangerous and destructive realities.

This is our current state of affairs in the white man's higher culture of civilization today.

Because liberals have achieved their superiority without maturity, and therefore are in charge and giving the orders, we whites are doomed.

I see no other hope but for the matured whites, the non-liberal whites to separate out and away, to then secede and declare independence.

There is so much at stake, so much at great risk.

I'm PDK: Thank you.

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