Thursday, January 30, 2014

For What it is Worth:

The republican namesake stands for those who are for America's Founding Father's free enterprise Republic. The namesake of the liberal’s party, the democrats, is for those who are for a democracy, a fully enfranchised democracy

Here it must be noted, that the liberals, the immature and insane, have cheated, via immigration and enfranchising, over the course of scores of years, with intent to transmogrify our American demographics into a majority loser demographic precisely because losers will vote for those who offer a better life at someone else's expense and this is what liberals offer. 

Cheating is of course the prerogative of the immature; and now that America's demographics have been skewered into a majority of low IQ and immature, or loser voting population, the democrats cannot lose.

So the republicans therefore find themselves caring more for democracy than their rightful place of caring for our Founding Father’s free enterprise Republic.

The Republican Party has been snookered by the cheating, immature and insane liberals. But they refuse to fight fire with fire by seceding, and instead commit apostasy to their ideology and chase after the liberals cherished belief of democracy.

Democracy, a fully enfranchised democracy, is what has murdered our Republic, our white man’s higher culture of civilizations, free enterprise Republic.

From the Sanctuary, I’m PDK: Thank you.

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