Sunday, February 16, 2014

Thought for the Day

In our modern era, science dominates.

One of nature's realities illuminated by science is, "The competitive exclusion principle". Simply stated, complete competitors cannot coexist. One will come to dominate and push the other into extinction.

In nature, where there is competition for the limited, availing natural resources, those with the edge in competition, win out and remain extant, while those without a competitive edge lose out, and pass into extinction.

In paleoanthropology, our paleoanthropologists have concluded that our European ancestors of 30-40 thousands of years ago, out competed the Neanderthals  into extinction by as small a factor as birth rates. If the Neanderthals had an increased birth rate of 2% or more, higher, they would have remained extant.

But they did not, and so they are gone forever, having gone the way of the dinosaur and the dodo.

Today in our era, there are three dominant sub-species of humans extant on planet Earth that are competing against one another, the Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.

The Caucasoid, our white sub-species, is the smallest in numbers, and therefore also, smallest in percent, of the total human population here on planet Earth. Remarkable it is, that the gene pool/race of the Caucasoid sub-species of human, we whites, have created and produced, by far and away, the greatest cultures and all the greatest and most magnificent creation/inventions of those cultures, should be the sub-species of human losing out in the competition for the right to remain extant on planet Earth.

White liberal ideology is herding our white gene pool/race the way of the Neanderthal. What are our non-liberal white options? What can we non-liberal whites do, not just to remain viable, but excel, and be the race not out competed into extinction, but rather, be the race that out competes the other races into extinction.

In all the white man's lands of planet Earth, white liberals are forcing whites to give the most to, and receive the least from, our own white culture, while simultaneously allowing non whites to give the least to, and prodding them to take the most from, our white collective.

How does one spell insanity? White liberal.

When did Noah build the Arc? Before the flood.

Woe and rue, will our posterity be, if we non-liberal whites of today fail to act. Dereliction of duty today means extinction tomorrow.

I believe in the SS&DL solution,(see by PDK).

From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

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