Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, From the Pulpit

Negros, Hispanic white/browns, Islamics and all the other losers of planet Earth have found a friend in white liberals, who since a sesquicentennial or more, perhaps two centuries now, have embraced these losers over, and at the expense of, their own fellow whites.
From befriending them, to defending them, to importing them, the white liberals have charged up their version of San Juan Hill, to achieve their superiority without ever having achieved their maturity. In our modern era, the era of the fully enfranchised democracy, itself their evil means to their desired insane end, white liberals have chosen to elevate these same losers to a higher, protected status over and above their fellow non-liberal whites.

This is an apostasy.
Unfortunately, with this alliance, the immature and insane, but now superior, white liberals and their liberal ideology, are in control and giving the orders.
As it now is, these white liberals, the immature and insane, and their liberal ideology of in particular, the white man’s burden, which embraces the crocodile of diversity at our white collective’s expense, has now brought our white man’s higher culture of civilization, everywhere on planet Earth, closer to the precipice overhanging the abyss of morass.
But still it goes on, further down the rabbit hole of diversity, until our civilization pops, and finally goes kaput.
We Americans are now 18.2 trillion dollars in debt.
Negros, Hispanic white/browns, Islamics and the other losers of planet Earth, are sucking our higher white cultures dry, and worse, melding to our white gene pool via miscegenation, but still white liberals refuse to mature.
The sand falls through the hour glass, the years pass on into decades; we whites grow smaller in number, poorer in wealth, and carry an ever increasing work load.
Time to talk about our new land, our new, white land, our new White Homeland, where never again will this scenario be allowed to happen to our kind.
For our beloved posterity.
From the Sanctuary, I’m PDK: Thank you.

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