Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thought for the Day

When I am writing or talking, if I mean oriental, I say oriental. If liberals, liberal ideology or even the headhunting, jackboot arm and fist of liberal ideology does not like it they don't have to read PDK, they can take a hike.

There is nothing pejorative about oriental, slope, gook and slant-eyes were the pejoratives for orientals.
Nothing wrong with negro either, and by the way when I'm comparing a negro to a white in the general, I sometimes say blackie as I do whitey. Don't like that, then you got a problem, not me.
I also will say homo or lesbo as I say hetero, don't like it TS, tough sh-t, I draw the line between fair and accurate and anything a white says is wrong.
There is a huge difference between an Iranian or Afghanistan Islamic, an Indian Hindu and a Han Chinese. All of these characters are Asian.
If I am talking about a group of people who will, as a custom, cut the head off an innocent man or stone to death an innocent woman, then I say Islamic, I do not say Asian.
However, liberal ideology is now strangling our speech so much that when people are describing a suspect to the cops, and the suspect is a negro, they just leave that part out. Only if he is white do they dare describe his race.
Is the next step to say, that he the culprit, or suspect, was a non white guy?
Not sure how others think on this matter, but saying Asian when one means oriental allows a lot of cover for the Islamics.
For those not in the know, Islamics are a serious threat to we whites of European descent; and they are currently invading America as they have Europe. Just take a look at the problems our white cousins across the Atlantic have.
Liberal word cover for dangerous people is dangerous for we whites.
Woe will our posterity be, when all are enslaved to the insanity of Islam.
Liberalism is the iceberg targeting the Titanic.
From the Sanctuary, I'PDK: Thank you.



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