Wednesday, April 23, 2014

From SBPDL, a PDK Comment

Eight negros charged in murder of white toddler:

PDK says:

Can you imagine females about to be photograph by police for their mug shot, stopping for a second, and dolling themselves up.

Take a look a those negro mug shots, aren't they all "maned up" in their macho persona. That first has his head tilted back so he has to look down into the camera. He, by looking down, is saying, I'm superior to you.

On other sites, elections will come up. I always cut through the chase, go right to the finish line, and say, America is finished, kaput, dead.

It is true, white liberals, white liberal ideology, invasive non-whites and a fully enfranchised democracy have, acting in concert, transmogrified our white, Founding Fathers, free enterprise Republic with the liberty to pursue one's wealth and happiness, into the white man's burden, made manifest at home.

We have opened our house to any and all, including members of different sub-species of humans.

They run roughshod over our particular white man's higher culture of civilization. They make a mockery of our laws, they murder and rape our white sons and daughters.

It is rumored through the grapevine, that LBJ had a recurring dream during his Vietnam Presidency. He found himself, neck high, in a huge body of water, and wherever he looked, that was all he saw, more water.

I believe his dream was telling him he was in it deep, all alone and had no idea which way to turn, or which way to go.

Non-liberal, non-apostate whites must realize America is lost, just like LBJ's Vietnam war.
Unlike LBJ, who failed to realize Vietnam was unwinnable, we must realize our lost white America cannot be won back.

We have lost her, the immature and insane, the white liberals have cheated us out of our inheritance, stealing it away for themselves and sharing it with their allying invasive different sub-species of humans.

For most of the older non-liberal, non-apostate whites, a new beginning will not be manifest in their lifetime.

A new beginning will take time and effort. This is much like the Biblical story of the Exodus, where Moses and his Jews wandered in the Sinai for 40 years before finally achieving their pursuit of the Promised Land.

However, our white posterity will then have the chance to be born with their own, and they as a collective will have a chance to live in the harmony of their own white gene pool/race's nature.

The American continental NW, the Canadian West and Alaska, call out to us and should be our targeted, coveted, new White Homeland.

This should be a new White Homeland for all non-liberal, non-apostate whites the planet Earth over.

For our beloved, coming, white posterity.

From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

FTS blogs @ http://the-pdk'
PDK can be emailed @
I welcome and thank all my non-liberal, non-apostate white visitors. Thanks again, PDK.

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