Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cain, Abel and The White Man's Burden

"My brother's keeper", "The white man's burden" and "Black social justice" are different peas of the same pod.

My brother's keeper comes from, and harkens back to, the mythological portion of the Holy Bible, The Book of Genesis, the book which describes to the Jews who they are and where they come from while making monotheism and God understood as being omnipotent and everlasting.

The story of Cain and Able is an allegory rooted deep into the history of the Fertile Crescent. There about 10,000 years or so ago, agriculture materialized. This was followed shortly thereafter by animal husbandry.

It was here, in this place and time that the culture of civilization began as agricultural husbandry subsequently forced humans to wed the territory of their fields. Contrarily, those of animal husbandry became shepherd and flock nomads, wondering about in search of the next green pasture.

Cain was the older brother, Cain personified the older agrarian people. Abel was the younger brother, Abel personified the animal husbandry, younger people.

During these ancient times, many of the shepherds would bring their flock to feast at harvest time, stealing the crops of the city dwellers farm fields. The farmers naturally protected their fields, even using the threshing tool to defend their crops. This by the way, is where the nunchucks come from.

And so the story of Cain and Abel is the story of one people separating out into two people and the two people coming to odds against one another. The Jews are Abel, the younger brother personifying the younger, nomadic, animal husbandry people, while the non-Jews are Cain, the older brother personifying the older, city dwelling, agrarian people, who in the story do the evil deed, murder Abel by denying Abel and his flock the sustenance of their fields, and are therefore the "bad guy".

The story suggests that one is supposed to care for the other, at his own expense and without reciprocity, and that is obviously a one sided, subjective orientation to what should be a two sided, objective parallax view.

The white man's burden is also a subjective orientation born of white liberal ideology, the ideology of the immature and insane. As far back as the 1830's the white liberal has denied the reality of nature and natures competitive exclusion principle, and in its stead offered a self- sacrifice of our own, white collective, to favor those who are not ourselves.

Here in America the white bears the burden of the negro at his own white expense in the form of wealth transfer, murder, rape, robbery, thuging and mugging. The white has become via the white man's burden, the brother's keeper of the lowly negro.

The negro concept of black social justice demands that whites make reparations for the negro as if the whites ever did the negro wrong. Though the negro blames evil whitey, the blue eyed devil, for all that ails him, the truth is that the negro is a different sub-species of human who is by his nature and gene pool, endowed with a physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum and a different orientation of life.

The negro is intended by his gene pool and nature to live in the negro lower culture of the primitive savage. However, once bearing witness to the white man's higher culture of civilization, he no longer wants what nature intended for him, he wants what the white man has.

That the negro would lay blame for his naturally inferior predicament at the white man's doorstep displays with clarity the immaturity of his misplaced blame game. The reality is that the negro has no one to blame but himself and his gene pool/nature.

But blame whitey the negro continues to do.

We whites have become victimized by the adages, "My brother's keeper", "The white man's burden" and "Black social justice". Further our victimization is not just on the cultural level but worse still on the gene pool, genetic and nature level.

Through miscegenation the lowly negro steals from the white gene pool what he both needs and craves, white genes, that not only produce the white, physically larger, higher IQed cerebrum, but also, by extension create, the white man's higher culture of civilization.

A fool and his money are soon departed, is an adage that should go hand in hand with these other adages.

Our gene pool and our precious white posterity hangs in the balance.

Both are in great jeopardy, once transmogrified they cannot be washed pure ever again.

We non-liberal whites need our own, White Homeland.

From the Sanctuary, @

 I'm PDK: Thank you.

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