Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thought for Today

Here in America, we are no longer about our particular white man’s higher culture of civilization, our White Founding Fathers free enterprise Republic of liberty and of a limited democracy. We have been transmogrified into the white liberal ideology’s much coveted socialist democracy.

“We the People” of our Founding Fathers time was the land owning white males, who were alone enfranchised in the new Republic’s limited democracy. They did this because they wanted America to remain a Republic and not to fall into the morass of a democracy.

Today, “We the people” means first the alliance of the immature, the insane and the low IQed, whose numbers include, the white liberals, negros, Hispanic white/browns, Islamics and other losers of planet Earth, and then second, the non-liberal whites, the matured and the sane, who care more about the culture of the Republic then they do about themselves.

If the former sound like children and the latter like parents that would be a fair assessment in my opinion.

There was a great ship sailing along at sea. Those in command, a minority few, of crack boatmanship, kept the great ship afloat and pursuing her destiny of ever greater happiness.

Then one day, those not in command, but wanting to be in command rallied the great mass of unskilled people and commandeered the great ship. Now with emphasis on the people instead of the ship, the ship fell into disrepair.

Finally the great ship began to list, but still, all the people thought about was themselves and never one thought for the great ship.

Modern day prophets became manifest and read King Belshazzar’s “Writing on the wall”, but to no avail, the people were intoxicated with themselves and the great ship listed still further.

We all know what happens to the great ship.

Today’s America is lost; she has become a testament to futility.

Time for the matured and the sane, the non-liberal whites, to embrace a new hope, the new hope of a new “White Homeland”.

A new beginning.

For our white posterity.

From the Sanctuary, I’m PDK: Thank you.


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