Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sunday, From the Pulpit

It is not irony that those who peddle the mantra of hate and bullying as morally wrong are themselves the most hate filled bullies of all, for these are white liberals.

White liberals are those who fail to mature or transcend insanity.

Moreover, their ideology, born of this immature and insane state of affairs, is always their targeted conclusion, not the principles of maturity. This way liberals can chastise anyone for being a hate filled bully if their position is not in line with their liberal ideology, but even further, they can then use their own hate filled bullying to go after those not in compliance with liberal ideology, whilst they themselves cannot be chastise for doing so.

This reality manifests under the aegis of the headhunting, jackboot arm and fist of liberal ideology.

Moreover, white liberals are disingenuous because they are always and only, targeting their conclusion of illusion and ideology, and not engaging in a two way dialogue.

White liberals, having pursued and achieved their superiority without achieving their maturity or sanity, are now in charge and giving the orders. Therefore, we are now ruled by the immature and the insane. And so when the white liberal bugler blows revelry all must make muster in the liberal ideology line or suffer the consequences.

These consequences, among other realities, many times include personal ruination.

With the ideology of the immature and insane in charge and giving the orders, we as a collective, are being herded up the precipice overhanging the morass of ruination and stagnation.

To continue the charade is idiocy.

The time to talk about a new White Homeland has arrived.

Our white gene pool/race/ culture/ lands and posterity hang in the balance.

What are we non-liberal whites made of?

Our precious white posterity awaits anxiously our decision.

From the Sanctuary-The PDK Herald/Crier Project thanks you, I’m PDK.


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