Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Our fully enfranchised democracy, has not only ruined our Founding Father’s free enterprise Republic, it has successfully transmogrified this culture into a culture of a socialist democracy, which further, always gravitates towards tyranny, poverty and misery.

Our American pledge of allegiance states, “and to the Republic for which it stands”, and further, does not state “and to the democracy for which it stands”, however, just as all liberals refuse this pledge in spirit, so too do they and their comrades, their minority allies in our fully enfranchised democracy, wish simply to use, abuse and parasitize the wealth creation that only a free enterprise Republic can beget.

Liberal ideology, born of immaturity and insanity, pursues as their ultimate goal, the reality of all that is inherent in the concept of “The white man’s burden”. That all things born of the white Europeans and all their posterity worldwide, be shared with, and given, to all, including themselves, without a semblance of fair compensation, and regardless of the consequences, including, most painfully of all, both our genes and wealth.

Our American democrat party, the party of liberal ideology, intends nothing less than the complete ruination of the white gene pool and all the positive manifestations born of this said, white gene pool, from anti-biotics to technological advances and beyond into wealth and happiness.

Should a new Republic emerge, like the Phoenix reborn out of its own ashes, by a separating out and away from liberals and their alliance via a secession of the republican states, a fully enfranchised democracy must be outlawed by the new Constitution, alone the law of our new land. In truth and in fact, at least as best I see it, only those who traditionally vote for the Republican Party be enfranchised, and this is older white males and older, married white females.

The republicans by definition are supposed to stand for the Republic, whilst democrats by definition stand for democracy, and obviously a fully enfranchised democracy, which is itself, the purveyor of ruination to both the white gene pool and white culture. People may resent this, however sometimes it takes a real tough stance to make things work, at and for, the most optimum level possible. To borrow from JFK, “When the tide comes in, all the boats rise, the big ones and the small ones”. Further, if any individuals, with membership in the new Republic, pine for transmogrification of this new Republic, they can either swallow their own dissatisfaction or emigrate, they can either lump it or leave it, their choice.

I think in terms of the 1950s, 1960s America; with all that power, fame and fortune, but without the “rights” movements by liberals, blacks, GLBTs and any other minority groups thinking of themselves at the expense of the collective, our non-liberal, white culture collective.

The Orientals have the wisdom to keep their culture and gene pool exclusive to themselves. Further, as they borrow and steal our wealth creating culture, while maintaining their purity, they are, without doubt, eventually going to surpass us.

I suspect the white gene pool is the begetter of “the Goldy Locks” formula, sufficient IQ coupled with the strength of animation, a precious quality neither the Negro nor Oriental gene pools were blessed with, and further, I believe, that is why we are the winners so far. Unfortunately, the white liberals wish to give this away to save themselves from nature’s charge to mature, and are so cowardly and selfish, they would allow the ruination of our culture and gene pool for both now and all eternity, such cowardice and selfishness is both intolerable and inexcusable.

Should our new Republic materialize, I believe the term Solutria should be employed as part of the new nations name, because Amerigo Vespucci, (America), was just a cartographer, while the Solutreans were not only whites of European decent, but in fact were, by 1,000s of years, the first here in the new world.

More on the Solutrians can be gleaned online. However, I would be derelict in my duty not to make clear one last point. Both white liberals and Amerindian illusory ideology states that the white man stole the Mongoloid Ameridian's land, that further, we whites should then necessarily give it back, as they were here first. As archeology now demonstrates unequivocally, the white man was here first, and therefore by their claim that those here first should own the land, we whites do therefore, justifiably own this land. Further, the use of this false history to justify and further the liberal illusion that whites are the "cancer of the human race", Susan Sontag, simply demonstrates, once again, liberals misapplying revisionist, false history intended to support white liberal illusionary ideology. We simply have taken back what was ours from the beginning.

This was our land, this is our gene pool, let us now resolve to keep both. Thank you.

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