Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Brief on the Negro

American blacks are not losers forced into a life of crime because the evil white man, “the blue eyed devil”, holds blackie down in poverty and decadence, but rather, American blacks are losers, and criminals who live in poverty because their gene pool produces an organism tailor cut and suited for a more animalistic, tribal culture, and that particular organism, so produced, is incapable of, and unfit for, the white man’s higher culture of civilization. This is the source from which springs the realities of the Detroits and Birminghams of America.

The truth be told, the biggest obstacle for blacks to assimilate functionally in the white man’s culture of civilization is his low IQ, the American black mean IQ is 85, for African blacks it is 70. The 15 point difference reflects the amount of white genes pilfered from the white gene pool by blacks. This of course is the long term strategy of both Negros and white liberals, to meld the gene pools. This abrogation of nature works well for both the Negro strategy targeting evolutionary success of continuing on the Negro sub-species through said melding, and the white liberal ideology, targeting a future socialist democracy where all are the same.

Unfortunately, this same abrogation of nature, the melding of our mutually exclusive gene pools, is ruinous of the white gene pool, and along with other, insane liberal ideologies is driving the white gene pool and race into extinction. We whites now represent substantially less than 14% of the planet Earth’s human population, and our numbers are dropping. In the meanwhile this slow process has a huge price in blood and treasure for white people, in the form of rapes and murders of whites by blacks, and the very high, unearned and unjustified, transference of white created wealth to the American and African Negro. Here one may glean the story of our own, white gene pool created, pulchritudinous, young woman, Eve Carson online, or for that matter, the Benjamin Crump, Negro lawyer, aka "shakedown artist", story online.

By the way, it was African blacks who brought aids from the lower primate world into the world of humans, via bestiality, but it is whites who have spent billions trying to solve this black engendered, viral scourge problem, whilst further, both African and American blacks pretend they believe, and further do verbally profess said belief, that evil whitey manufactured the virus and unleashed it upon, poor, persecuted blackie. The unmitigated gall of this reality should send alarm bells ringing throughout the white world, but it does not.

Both Barac Hussein Obama and Eric Holder clearly have a black brain supercharged by white genes; Barrac’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham was white, Eric, I simply see white features tempering his black features. They clearly, in their abuse of power, of wrongfully aggressing innocent whites, Tea party people for instance, but also of wrongfully not prosecuting blacks for clear, black transgressions of the law, should ring the bell of alarm within all and every, non-liberal white, of the inherit danger, in and of, allowing blacks to mate with whites. Miscegenation should be outlawed.

While blacks who embrace miscegenation, help their evolutionary cause of their, low man on the human species totem pole setting by breeding up, white liberals who embrace miscegenation commit apostasy to their own white gene pool and race by injuring our white evolutionary cause via this breeding down. White liberals are lower than the belly of a snake.

Woe and rueful will our white posterity be, should we whites of today fail to draw the line and say no more, this is ours and ours it will stay.

Think about secession my friends, secession is the answer. Thank you.




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