Monday, May 26, 2014

Two From the Road

From Countenance:

Headline Read:


On Memorial Day:

PDK said:

It is hard to honor the memory of those who served and died for a country that no longer exists.

I know this because I was born in July, 1954, a time when America was still the most magnificent achievement of the white man's higher culture of civilization, it was still our white, Founding Father's free enterprise Republic of liberty to pursue wealth and happiness. Most of all, it was still, the white man's land.

All that is gone now. Today, if you are a non-liberal, non-apostate white you are evil incarnate, guilty of persecuting to crucify every parasitic sub-species of human aboard planet Earth. America has been transmogrified.

Thank God almighty those young men and women, who died serving the cause of America, cannot see what they died for now.

If Jesus the Nazarene, was at the end of his ministry, if his hour of great tribulation of persecuted to be crucified approached, and he could see the lowly negro would inherit the Earth, would he still see it through?

It is not enough to give it all you've got, it is even more important to know the cause, for and to which you give all you've got.

On this Memorial Monday, I shall remember the America past, of which, those who gave their all, gave their all for, and not the new, transmogrified white liberal dystopia we have become. The America which truly became the achieved pinnacle of the white man's higher culture of civilization, the America that was, the envy of planet Earth.

May we non-liberal, non-apostate whites, as with the Phoenix, rise from the ashes of our death to be reborn, and reborn better than ever.

Our coming new White Homeland beckons us, our white posterity has faith in us.

Let us not fail on our watch.

From the Sanctuary, @
I'm PDK, Thank you.


From Paul Kersey’s SBPDL:

Headline Read:

On Bill Deblasio, new Mayor of New York City:

PDK said:

Bill Deblasio a white liberal, white apostate who, as with all white liberals, is/has achieved his superiority without achieving his maturity and therefore enjoys the highlife of power, fame and fortune at the white collective's expense, both our white cultural wealth and our greatest treasure of all, the genes of our white gene pool's wealth.

Bill could genuinely define the concept of ugliness. A usurper of nature and an iconoclast of the white man's higher culture of civilization. A loser who failed to embrace his personal responsibility to mature.

Thanks only to the white liberal ideology's sacrosanct tenant of fully enfranchised democracy, he, as with all white liberals pursuing their superiority in the arena of politics, was able to make manifest that pursuit and has become the immature and the insane, in charge and giving the orders.

I do not hate the lowly negro. I am also fine with letting nature take its course, which here under nature's competitive exclusion principle, would with time, send the lowly negro to his extinction.

However I do have hate for white liberal apostates, these are those who are both lower than the belly of a snake and the scum of the Earth.

How dare they give away our white genes and our white wealth for a superiority achieved without a maturity achieved. Biblically speaking, the master they serve is Lucifer, the Devil himself.

The sands of time flow through the hour glass, the planet Earth turns and white numbers fall. We are being herded toward extinction.

How many Newtons were not born here in America over the past two score because of miscegenation and mulattoism?

Religion is important, most of we non-liberal, non-apostate whites either do not believe in religion or have left the faith.

However all white liberals have embraced their own new religion of white liberal ideology/illusion and they have achieved their superiority over we non-liberal whites.

Both the Mormons and the Amish have achieved their superiority and religion was there to guide them.

I am aware that most here at Paul's SBPDL despise religion, but religion's real purpose is to pull all of one kind together and hold them together through times of great trouble and tribulation.

As the extinction plight of our white gene pool/race continues forward everywhere upon planet Earth, the time is coming and the need is rising, for a new White Homeland, OF, BY and FOR non-liberal, non-apostate whites.

We must pull together on this.

Our new White Homeland will eventually come.

Our white posterity is pulling for our side.

On our side we too have a God, let us find him.

From the Sanctuary, @

 I'm PDK: Thank you.

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